Making your transferable skills work for your career!

If you got it use it! Transferable skills is the answer to a new career in entrepreneurship. Many of us have spent years in class, trainings, and of course numerous conferences. Although beneficial, many of the soft and creative skills we have obtained are from upbringing and working hard at jobs. Review the following tips for making your transferable skills work for you:

Being Punctual: On time is something that we can all be skilled in. At the end of the day as the saying goes “the early bird gets the worm” Get up earlier, prepare the night or week before depending on the situation. If this is something you excel at share it with others and use it as a transfer skill to shine professionally

Communication: Words are powerful. However, there are many ways of communicating with others. We can do this by our body language, being engaged with conversation and of course the basics of just listening.

Managing Time Wisely: Time waits for no one. The skill of knowing the value and benefit of time is extremely useful in new careers and entrepreneurship. The one know for this, are usually look to in order to meet deadlines and get the job or contract done. Here are few areas were you can use manage time:

Minimize Time on Social Media, Log activities in a notebook or journal, Be selective about what you do, Feel comfortable in taking on new tasks however learn to say no.

Initiate New Ideas: If you are creative or have a new idea use it and share with others. This shows you have the ability to “think outside the box” and with speed. Keep up with the trends and build them into yourself, therefor using transferable skills.

There are many, many, many transferable skills that a person can use to refine their career or define themselves in entrepreneurship. Write a list of your skills and begin transferring.





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